Wednesday, December 10, 2008
e-mail me at if you want to get on board!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Craigslist Crimes
Have you ever shopped on Craigslist? I have. I bought a pilates machine on it. I also sold a pilates machine on it. (That is for the after New Year's topic of 'New Year's Resolutions and how quickly we break them'). Anyway, apparently, some scoundrels are posting a listing for Iphones at a good price. When the unsuspecting patsy, er I mean customer, shows up with cash in hand, the seller (criminal) whips out his GUN and demands the cash, and whatever other valuables the naive bargain hunter has on him/her. (note: consumer does not receive Iphone in this transaction)
Well, here is what I think about this. First of all, if you are shopping around on Craigslist, looking for a bargain, keep this in mind: IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE (i.e. price is wayyyy fabulous) MAYBE IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Second, don't go with your cash to the worst section of town, to an unlit parking lot to make your exchange. Honestly, sometimes I think people who have been robbed are almost asking to be robbed. USE SOME COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!!!! and Lastly, if you are going to sell your fake coaches on Craigslist, quit trying to pass them off as authentic. Ms. Chic Chauffeur will totally flag your listing!
BE CAREFUL EVERYONE. As the economy gets worse, I think the criminal element gets more and more desperate!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Topic!!!
I think someone tried to pickpocket me at the mall yesterday.
My sister's cars got robbed in her driveway and her friend just got her cell phone and jacket ripped off at Target.
Do you have any stories?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Confessions of a purseaholic, take 2

It is coming soon to a Target near you! Hayden Harnett is one of the new Go International designers. Their purses are yummy. And the ones at Target are priced at 49.99 and under! A person who loves purses could satisfy the urge without breaking the bank!
Sorry ladies, but my husband was just not interested, so I thought I would share this monumental news with my bloggy friends!
Anyone looking for a shopper?
However, right now I am between jobs and cannot shop like I would normally. I have to reign it in. But I always tempted. So I now cyber window shop. I fill up my shopping cart with all kinds of wonderful things and them I click away from the site before ordering. It works pretty well, but not fully.
I also run my Synagogue's Judaica Shop. That helps with the buying urges. I can order all kinds of things and know that the money is not coming out my pocket. I like buying things for other people.
I really should be a personal shopper - anyone looking for that?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Stop Me Before I Shop Again
I am that target consumer that marketing groups fantasize about when they do things like set up displays by the cash register. I scan them while I'm waiting my turn to pay for my stuff and think, "Why, yes, I DO need a teeny little flashlight that clips on my car visor! How thoughtful of them to put it up here where I'd see it! And I'd certainly better snag that package of Q-Tips while I'm at it." Pathetic. And yet oddly satisfying.
My real indulgences, when I have some fun money to throw around, are definitely clothes and makeup. I'm pretty much incapable of going into a department store and coming out with some little tidbit: a great pair of trouser jeans, a new brand of mascara, or a darling little sweater for one of my daughters.
Lately, though - lately, not so much. Suddenly, we're feeling the effects of the unstable economy. Business has fallen off at my husband's law firm, and that means unpredictable salaries. Last month we missed a whole week of pay, and it hurt a hell of a lot more than I ever would have guessed. I'm reining in my indulgences and trying to plan (totally unnatural for me) my shopping trips. I'm making lists for Christmas shopping and actually sticking to them. Yeah, it's taking some of the fun out of it, but I'm trying to embrace the satisfaction of making the money go farther. It's a learning curve for me, but I'll get there.
Let's make small talk...

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hello, My name is the Chic Chauffeur, and I am a purse-aholic
Here's how things go... I will be shopping for something reasonable, and just make a pass through the handbag department at Nordstrom. And (please start humming the theme from Love Story here) THERE IT IS. A black handbag I have not seen before! I think to myself, sane still for a moment.. "why would I buy that purse? I have a perfectly fabulous black (insert name here...Kate Spade, Coach, Lamb, Betsy Johnson, Marc Jacobs....really, I could go on) purse at home." But it beguiles me. Perhaps a cell phone pocket that is different than the one in my stable. Whatever it is, it's got what it takes to knock the current black favorite out of rotation... Home it comes!
I must have been purse-challenged in my youth, and am going overboard now as an adult, to make up for whatever I think I missed out on in my teens.
And parting with one of my beloved bags. Ain't no way! I have tried to sell them on ebay, and actually cancelled an auction because I just couldn't go through with it. It felt as though I were auctioning off one of the kids (well, sort of.....)
So anyway, this post might brand me as shallow. To even things out: yes, we have 4 kids and a dog, and I love all of them (and the purse-anon hubs) way way way more than any material possession. But if and when I get a little pocket change, I always seem to stumble upon the MOST INCREDIBLE BAG in the world. And then, woops, there goes my willpower.

PS: Have you seen the darling Quilted Patent Leather Quincy bag at JCrew. The navy one is ON SALE!!! Sadly, I do NOT have any spare change at this time... But that purse is sweet!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cha Ching!
Hopefully we can get this thing up and running again.
If you read my other blog, Caffeine Court you have probably read that I purchased a Pug puppy for my daughters last week. Puppies are expensive little creatures. First there's the cost of buying one. (Yes, I went to a pet store, just to LOOK and I got weak.) Then there's the shots, food, grooming, boarding. You know the drill. The fact that we already have 2 dogs and a cat means we spend ALOT on our pets.
I started thinking about all the other things I could have bought with the money I spend on my animals. My daughter needs a new bedroom set. I need window treatments all over the house. My car is 5 years old. I would love some cool new clothes.
But I chose the dogs. They make us very, very happy.
How about you? What do you like to spend your extra cash on? Is it a great pair of boots? Are you a gal who loves to spruce up your house? Or do you like to take a couple of fancy vacations a year?
Let's talk "fun money."
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Snap, Crackle, Pop...and I'm not talking about cereal
I list it under "personal talent" as well as "things I do that repulse others." I can crack (from the top-down, follow me here): my jaw, neck, elbows, wrists, fingers, back, knees, ankles, and every individual toe. So there's always that Sideshow Freak thing to fall back on if the economy continues tanking... plus it entertains the hell out of seven-year-old boys, as I found out the other day while watching my friend's son.
However, since about everyone I know (husband, BF, mother...the list goes on) is driven batshit crazy by the sound, I do try to keep it under wraps when others are around. Try being the operative word there. I limit myself to fingers and the occasional toe in public. I can see where it would be a little weird to start popping kneecaps and wrists at a cocktail soiree, but what's the odd finger joint crackle between friends?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
My Nasty Habit
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Bad Personal Habits Of The O'Kara Family.
My husband is like most guys...not as discreet about some body functions. He will burp, fart, and scratch at just about any time or place. He has promised to work on changing these behaviors and while he has shown great success, there are still times when I look for the nearest escape route.
My five year old just learned that she can do things to embarrass her parents, most especially me. Besides her love of doing the same three bad habits of her father's, she also love to dig for "nose goblins". Completely grosses me out every time I see it. I have learned that she does it even more when I ask her to I try to turn a blind eye to this behavior.
My soon-to-be one year old is just learning her bad habits. Right now, the biggest one is for her to throw herself down on the floor, kick her feet, throw her arms around, and scream hysterically if she doesn't get her way...a classic hissy-fit.
And now for me...well, I am a recovering blemish picker...but have been working really hard to over come that addiction. My secret weapon is a trusty tube of triple antibiotic ointment. Other than that nasty habit, I also unknowingly scratch my scalp...almost like I have fleas...isn't that lovely. It must be a family habit because both of my sisters also do the same thing. Wonder if this is a subconscious thing due to our huge fear of spiders and constantly feeling like they are crawling on us?
Pores and Pimples
Ever since I discovered my first pimple, I obsessed over every flaw and blemish. If it looked "ready" to pop, I'd push, squeeze, and press over and over until I made some sort of progress. Many times I'd do it before the blemish was "ready enough", thus making a bad situation much worse. They'd swell and turn ghastly shades of red and purple. I probably would have half the acne I have if I would just have a hands off policy.
I try to just not inspect my pores anymore. If I see a clogged pore I just want to mess with it. Then I end up creating a pimple where none probably ever would've been.
I have learned that when it is a "deep" zit, to just LEAVE IT ALONE!! I once poked and prodded an especially deeply embedded one where my cheek meets my nose and it swelled up so much that my eye was half shut. I looked like Quasimodo for about 4 days. It was horrible.
Maybe one of these days I will be acne free and this habit will be history. Then I can worry about my occasional nail biting.
Let's try another subject!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I've been neglecting my baby!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What will we talk about now?
Now that this election is over-what the heck are we going to talk about?!
Hmmm. Let's see. What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Ummmm.
Did you see High School Musical 3 yet?
How 'bout those Phillies?
Need some Bloggy help!!!
I am soooo unorganized, that I can't even find my recipe books from when we moved 2 years ago. They are in one of the many unopened boxes sitting in the unfinished side of the basement I was going to organize 1 year ago. Out of sight, out of mind... I have got to get going, or my poor children will be sooo mad when they finally have to put me in the old folks home, and need to spend days sorting thru all my accumulated junk!
Here's my panic! A group of my girlfriends thought it would be great fun to form a dinner-making group. You know, you make the same dinner 8 times, and then everyone trades. Voila, you have 8 different dinners, life becomes less chaotic, and you have time to clean your basement.
Well, I have nothing. NO IDEAS! Nada! HELP! If you happen to have a favorite awesome EASY recipe that serves 5-6, and is somewhat inexpensive to make (no steak casseroles please! I have to make 8 of them...) and would like to share the recipe with cooking-challenged me, would you go to my regular blog and post it? As an example, one girl is making Mexican Beef tips (which can be served in taco shells/tortillas, over rice or in hoagie buns). I will be forever grateful, and will name one of my clean shelves in the basement in your honor!
The Chic Chauffeur
I Interrupt This Topic Of Conversation To Bring You...

After you perform your civic duty by voting, stop by your local Starbucks Coffee Shop and see if they are participating in the Free Tall Brewed Coffee To All Voters Promotion. (I gave them a call...You can also get a Tall Hot Tea if you are not a coffee drinker...)

So glad that I waited until Election Day to vote instead of standing in line for over 3 1/2 hours (like my husband) to participate in Early Vote. All he got was a sunburn and sore feet while I get a Free Tall Brewed Coffee!!! Guess it does pay to vote, doesn't it!
And just to let you all know out only took me 10 minutes to vote! Ten minutes from the time I walked in the door to the time I stepped back out into the fresh Sunny, FL air.
Monday, November 3, 2008

Sleeping With the Enemy
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I Hate To Admit It, But I am an
The Pissed-Off Housewife
I hate living with clutter and messiness, but I've never been a neat person. My mother used to exhaust herself yelling at me to pick up my room when I was younger. My half of my college dorm room was the one strewn with clothes (clean and dirty), books, and papers. In my current house the clutter used to accumulate until I got really cranky about it and flew into a maelstrom of cleaning and organizing.
A couple of years ago, when I was laid up with a back injury, my parents got me a housekeeper for six months. Oh, my God. HEAVEN.
I cannot express the difference it has made in our home. Not in just the obvious, hey! clean countertops! way, but in that I don't find myself bitching at my husband and kids as much, or feeling the resentment build until I break down and attack the clutter. It worked out so well, that I made some cuts in the budget to keep her on after the six months were up. She comes every two weeks, leaving me with just the tidying-up cleaning in between. I figured that I was the most pathetic person ever if I couldn't at least manage that.
I still need to work on the organizing, though. The kids bring home a small forest's worth of papers from school each week. Right now my "filing" technique involves piling them next to my dresser, which is an improvement over the crazy pile I used to keep in the dining room. Sigh. Baby steps.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Type A/B

Naming my boys!
He ended up choosing Zachary, which I love. And it was his idea to give him Parker as his middle name, as my Father was an only child, and only had daughters, so that name was pretty much done, you know. I loved the idea.
We lost Zachary when he was four days old, and then later had a miscarriage, and really didn't expect to have anymore kids. It just didn't' seem to be in the cards for us. But we did still talk about names. We were visiting an old family cemetery on his side of the family and as soon as we saw his Grandmother's maiden name was Reese....that was all she wrote. We knew if we did have another son, he would be Reese.
And so that is how we ended up with Reese. And we kept the middle name the same as Zachary's.
Then came the last boy...I had always wanted to name a child after my Grandmother, MaMaw, could walk on water as far as I was concerned. But since he was a boy, Annabelle just wasn't going to work, you know? So, we chose her maiden name; Griffith. We toyed with another middle name, but felt that since the first two had Parker, it seemed wrong to use another and well, in the end, I LOVE all of my boys names!
I love how people use family names for their kids, maybe it's just how I roll, lol
Monday, October 27, 2008
Do you have the "Neat Gene?"
The subject touched a nerve because lots of people jumped in to either sympathize with me, or to tell me that they could help me out. Although it was skewed on the side of pack rats, there were quite a few neatniks in the bunch.
How about you? Are your sock drawers near as a pin? Do you alphabetize your spice rack?
Or are you like me? Junk drawers overflowing, socks unmatched in a laundry basket and piles of papers sitting on your desk.
I'd rather cut the grass, take out the trash, vacuum, pay bills or dust the entire house rather than organize. It's a curse.
I've declared November "Get My Shit Together Month." I'm going to find a place for everything. That way when I ask my family to put things away, they'll know exactly where to go.
Wishful thinking right? I've always been an optimist!!! (Or should I say, I live in a constant state of denial? Optimist sounds so much better.)
8 Letters, what was I thinking?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Name Game In My Family.
With our second pregnancy, we knew that our blessing was another little girl. We couldn't decide between another K. L. or B. E. name. At the baby shower, all the guest come up with their favorite name combinations. The front winners were Kendell Lauren, Kalista Lillian, Brianna Elizabeth, Brinn Emerson, and Bryleigh Eden, but until she was born, everyone called her Baby Chili Pepper. At 42 weeks and 2 1/2 days of labor, Bryleigh Eden was born. As of right now, she is the only Bryleigh in the area...that we know of...but her best little boyfriend down the street is named Riley.
Kyla's middle name is after my grandmother...who was such a wonderful and loving woman...just like Kyla. Bryleigh's name was a combination of my husband's first name and my middle name. So in essence, both girls have family names.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The name is never easy
For a while, he was Thomas William, then he was William Arthur, then Thomas Arthur. One day I had decided his name had to be Max and I started calling him that all the time. But my ex still wanted William or Arthur in the mix. So we named him William Maxwell, but we call him Max and he is registered in school as W. Maxwell.
I just don't like the name William, period.
But then I got to give him is Hebrew name and I named him for my father and grandfather - Tavi Israel. So It all worked out for the best.
And that's another cool thing about being Jewish - you get second chances with names.
Naming My Girls
When I found out that my oldest was going to be a girl, I pored over name books, made lists, solicited opinions, and pondered. We rejected Sophie Anne, when my uncle remarked that it sounded like a French hooker's name (but I still like it). With great pride, my husband and I finally settled on Hannah Elizabeth. Classic, non-nicknameable, and unique without being weird. Perfect.
The nurse who handed me my tiny, swaddled baby on that snowy February morning remarked matter-of-factly, "This is the sixth Hannah Elizabeth we've had since January first!" And, sure enough, while nowhere near the glut of 1970's Jenny's, there has usually been one other Hannah in her elementary school classes. Damn it.
Our second daughter was named for my grandmother: Kathleen Grace. The name went well with my older daughter's, and I loved the idea of honoring my Mamaw, who has been such a beloved figure in my life. We call her Kate, which I think has that perfect balance of strong and feminine, and reminds me of Katharine Hepburn.
Luckily, we had no boys. My husband was determined to use the name Hamilton, despite my conviction that a kid saddled with that name would get his butt kicked on the playground on a regular basis. I think I would have had to play the "I Suffered To Give Birth To Your Child" card, so I could name him myself.
Friday, October 24, 2008
A rose by any other name....
My oldest is named for St. Augustine, but he goes by Austin. St. Augustine first resisted his mother's efforts to convert him to the Church. He even had a concubine! But he came around. I went to a Catholic college, and lived in St. Augustine Hall. His middle name is a family name, which is my father's middle name, and his mother's maiden name.
My second is named for Mary Magdalene (Magdalen), but she goes by Maggie. Mary Magdalene was one cool lady. Hey, just because you screw up your early years, doesn't mean you can't be a friend to Jesus. I hope all of my kids remember that. Her middle name is her Grandpa's name.
My third is named after the apostle John. He was the only one who stood by Jesus during the Passion, and Jesus made him the guardian of his mother, Mary. His middle name is after my husband's brother. He goes by Jack.
Our youngest daughter, though, has a beautiful story that goes with her name. By now, you are all thinking I am a religious nut. Really, I'm not!!!! After 3 kids, my husband was really through. I, however, thought I wanted one more child, but didn't want that issue to come between us. So I was in church one day, and I prayed that God would take away my desire for a 4th child. I heard a voice, as clear as if someone were sitting next to me, say, you are going to have a daughter, and her name is Grace. I was like, WEIRD. I must really want a kid. I am starting to imagine things. It happened that I was driving home to my parents that weekend, to take the kids to see their grandparents. As we returned from the weekend, I saw a billboard that I have never seen since, and had never seen before (and I have traveled up and down this path of I-70 a million times). It said GRACE HAPPENS. It was an ad for some religious group. 9 months later our daughter Grace was born. Her middle name is after my husbands mom.
My Son's Naming
Now I selected these names because they were traditional solid names. My daughter wishes she were named something bizarre like Dweezil, and my son just wants me to call him "Cobra". I run through the gamut when I call them (sometimes I include the cats names!), most of the time, it's "Hey, you..." ;-)
What's In a Name?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Less work for Mother
One of them was always frantically calling me from upstairs saying "I DON'T HAVE
A neighbor of mine said why don't they do their own wash duhhh why didn't Ithink of that.
That was a "load" off my shoulders. Sometimes a simple suggestion can make life so much
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ahhh...a mother's love
She looked at me and said, "Just don't do anything stupid, Sass."
Words to live by, my friends. Words to live by. ;)
Be Present
I force myself to step outside of the daily routine, which can easily become consuming, and carve out special time with the kids. On Monday of this week, instead of picking the kids up from school and heading home, I packed their after-school snacks into little wicker baskets and drove down to the river. We munched and chatted on the riverbank, enjoying the last of the autumn leaves and an unusually warm afternoon. There was plenty of time for homework and laundry when we got home.
Let it go...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Easy to Say, Hard to do...
Isn't that the truth? It is so easy to be the one who lends a hand. I love to make a meal for a friend who is ill, wrap a special gift when I see someone who needs cheering up, take carpool turns when my friends are overwhelmed. But when I am the one who is overwhelmed, I don't want anyone to know. I guess I don't want anyone to see a chink in the armour.
So Dad really did know best.
He also taught me how to crochet. He learned when he was in the Navy. I love that guy!
Because I'm Feeling Kinda Brave Today...
"What is the best advice that someone gave you and why?"
From a very young age, my parents always told me that I could date who ever I wanted, but I would know when I met the person I should marry when I could see myself growing old with that person. At the time, I thought it was a bunch of silly words that they were using to "control" who I dated.
Well, I didn't listen to that advice and became involved in an early relationship to a man who was "bad news". Good thing that when I finally was able to remove myself from that situation, my parents' advice came back to me. From the moment I talked to my husband, I knew he was the one for me. Not only could I see myself growing old with him, but I also knew that (and this sounds so cheesy) while I was a complete person already, he enhanced me.
We just celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary and are the blessed parents of two beautiful girls. While we aren't trying to hurry up the aging process, we do look forward to aging gracefully together.
I'm handing over the reins!
Monday, October 20, 2008
What Am I Afraid Of?
Flying (well, I'm not exactly's a control makes me uncomfortable but I'm getting better as I've had to do a fair amount of it in the last couple of years)
Fire...not fireplaces and candles...forrest fire...the really destructive kind.
Losing my family...I know I can't control that but the thought of something happening to my husband or one my of children...
Hospitals...make me go into a room where a person is hooked up to wires and tubes and I WILL have a panic attack.
And I'm not wild about the dark if I'm home alone. That about sums it up!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My List Of Fears...
- Spiders
- Clowns
- Scary Movies
- Small Spaces
- Dying Young
- Losing My Loved Ones
While the last three seem to be pretty common with other women, the first four have been a source of torment to me for years. I have had people go out of their way to touch me with their feet or try to touch mine. A former supervisor put a gigantic fake spider on my desk chair when I was hugely pregnant and I almost went into labor! She is the same supervisor that gave me a copy of "Killer Clowns From Outer Space" as a "gift". Not sure why I still like her and count her as a friend...guess I am just plain silly.
What I fear....
For example...I needed a rental in Memphis, TN. The guy who came to get me was African American and he was driving really sloow when everyone else, who I noticed to be white was breezing right by us. I asked him what the heck was going on- he said 'oh ma'am, white cops don't like us much and will find a reason to stop me so I just go slow so that they dont have a reason to stop me'.
That made me sad. What a way to live.
In any case, put aside all political affiliations, and let's just think about Obama, his family, etc.
Are we (in we I say my diverse group of friends) the only ones who fear that if Mr. Obama gets elected someone will try something as stupid as was done with JFK, MLK, and so on?
That is something I fear...I hope it never comes to fruition, but having lived in the 'deep south' and seen the hatred still be alive and kickin' just worries me a tiny bit...because there are just too many crazy people out there.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I fear.....
But I also fear not being accepted - I wish I could get past my own internal insecurities and just really let go and fully enjoy life and it's experiences.
I am getting better at it, but I still have work to do.
Talking about it helps, so thank you all for listening.
This is why I am in fear of least what comes out of my mouth that is not filtered:)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I know it's a cliche.
The Big "C"
Hypochondriac, you ask? Baby, I wrote the book. It peaked tremendously during both of my pregnancies (I totally blame "ER"). I cornered my OB with lists of symptoms, names of rare diseases I was pretty sure I had, and questions to cover every possible outcome. It got so bad that at one appointment, he leaned in and asked, "Do you read a lot of medical books?" I nodded eagerly, proud that he appreciated my intelligent assessment of symptoms, my heightened awareness of atypical pregnancy maladies.
Instead, he abruptly turned from me and said to my husband, "I want you to take away ALL of her pregnancy books." To me he said, "Watch sit-coms."
And, incidentally, Mommy's Little Happy Pills (thank you, Paxil!) have taken a serious edge off of my hypochondria. Now, when I wake up nauseous, I tend to think it's a 24 hour bug rather than the bird flu or ebola.
Don't forget me, please.
My parents are selling their house and going to live in the camper all over the country now. What if they forget to come see me? My husband has a job where he works all day, and the kids are in school, but I'm just here alone. What if they forget to come home?
Okay, those are extreme, and highly unlikely. But, I've noticed when I do visit my hometown, I'm not always friendly to people I see in the store or at a restaurant, because I figure they don't remember who I am. I figure I have probably been forgotten. And that can be a really scary feeling.
Each day when I open my blog to see if there are comments, I figure there won't be. I figure everyone will have moved on to someone funnier, or more interesting, or more intelligent. I figure I'll be forgotten. So far, I've done okay.
So there ya have it. My fear. Not my only one, by far. But probably my most intense.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Please don't take this as a pathetic attempt to pick up some followers. I am just being honest.
Oh flying scares me but I do it all the time the thought of crashing is there on take off and landing. When there is a plane crash I read every detail which stays with me forever.
I was also terrified when my girls were teenagers that they would die in a car crash. They are all mothers now so Thank God all that worrying for nothing.
How about you?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Selling My Soul to the Devil

Well, I did it, I have sold my soul to the Devil(well, sort of). I have a friend who gets Botox for a very discounted price. I SWORE that I would never do it!!! After confirming that it was the real thing and when she offered it to me, after I payed full price for a treatment, I threw caution to the wind. I just could not stand the inherited crater being formed between my eyebrows! I was so afraid that someday I would lose something in it:) That is all, just a little Botox and oh so worth it!!!
Pray for me.
No Regrets
But to due to my foolish youth I sun damaged my skin, so last year I had a Obagi Blue Peel to remove some bad pigmentation on my face. Loved the results. Will do it again,time permitting to be out of commission for about 4 days.
Last month I had some Restylane injected around my mouth. Bruised the crap out of my lips. But now I really like it.Don't know how long it will last?? Costs a butt load! No one even seemed to notice,which is good.
Will never go under the knife-NO WAY.
Me, Unenhanced
Now, as a mom, I'm more zen about the whole appearance thing. (Hang on - I'll be right back. I'm laughing too hard to type).
Okay, I'm totally not zen. What I am is a freaking chicken and superstitious as hell. I feel like if I chose to go under the knife purely for vanity reasons that some vengeful Old Testament-y God would kill me on the operating table and leave my children motherless. I support anybody's decision to have plastic surgery; I just have too many personal issues to go through with it.
So, instead, I deal with my feelings of inadequacy and continue to spend every spare dime on cute clothes and makeup. (Has anyone tried Smashbox eyeshadow? Is it not THE BEST EVER?)
In a heartbeat!
Under the knife
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Do You Want To Know Something Funny?
Does anyone know if they can do no-incision tummy tucks and boob lifts? Because until that happens, I will be a proud member of the Saggy Boobie Marsupial Mommy Club!
Yes, Yes, Yes...I am for making yourself happy!
I have had a tummy tuck. Why? Because no matter that I could do 100 crunches without blinking, after a C-Section I could not lose the tummy flab. And I hated it.
Hated it.
S I saved my money, interviewed several plastic surgeons and chose a woman doctor who seemed to understand how I felt. And I loved it.
Loved it.
I instantly felt more attractive and more confident in my wardrobe choices. I loved my flat belly and it took me down the road when I have now lost over 25 more pounds since the surgery. I love how I look in a bikini, a short dress, a tight dress, jeans.
The best part? My DH did not find me any less attractive before or after. He was blind to the whole thing I had going on in my head. Because that's where it was - im my head. He wanted me no matter what. And now I could return that feeling fully, no self confidence issues.
My bottom line - if it will make you happy - YOU - then go for it. Don't do it for anyone but YOU.
To be a Barbie girl?

I would love to have Barbie's bod, I'm not gonna lie. Who wouldn't want long, shapely legs, a waist that would make Scarlett O'Hara jealous, the perfectly sculpted face, or the full D cup she's sporting?
I would! I would!!
But, sigh, it is not my lot in life. I'm more like overweight Skipper.
If money were not an obstacle, though, what would I do to improve myself???
Well, I'd love perky, supple breasts as much as the next girl, but I don't know if I could go through with implants, just for vanity's sake. It sounds excruciatingly painful. I'd be paranoid that they'd bust. And would they feel fake? I don't know if they'd be worth the risk. I know a few girls who have had implants. The one common denominator was they were very insecure girls. I don't know if the implants helped in that department or not, but I hope so. I am not judging, if they want bigger boobs, they should have them, but I don't know if it's the route I'd choose. I'm sort of a wuss, so imperfect breasts will do.
But on the other hand, I would love to *ahem* even out some differences I've got up top. It would be nice to be symmetrical. It's a toss up on the ta tas.
As for plastic surgery on the face, no. I was blessed with a good enough nose, and the cheekbones and chin are adequate, so I am satisfied. If I weren't so satisfied, then who knows? But I think it'd be so unsettling to one day wake up with a different nose or whatever, even if it was for the better. It'd be so weird. I do think Ashley Simpson's new nose is beautiful, but I also thought she was cute before. To each her own.
Botox and plumping injections are another story. I'd love some now, please!! I already have under eye wrinkles and crow's feet, so bring it on. But I cannot afford this, so it's out of the question. They are only temporary and mostly safe so I would not hesitate if it weren't so expensive.
When it comes to lipo or similar procedures, yes, I say go for it. If I did lose the weight I need to lose, I'd still have a lumpy lower abdomen. It'll never be flat again. The C-section ruined any hope of a flat tummy ever again. I'd take a tummy-tuck if I could afford it.
Face lifts freak me out. They almost always look creepily unnatural. I know nobody wants to look 70, but it's weird to look 35 when you are twice that. Give it up.
And then there are the freaks like Joan Rivers and Michael Jackson that don't know when to stop. They are poster children for what is wrong with plastic surgery. A little enhancement is good, trying to become someone else is just strange and sad.
Skin Deep
Would you consider plastic surgery, or have you already had plastic surgery? If so, which procedure and why?
To answer that question. No, I've never had plastic surgery. I've had Botox and I loved it. It really works great. Too bad it's so expensive or I would do it more often. I love that injectibles Restylane or Perlane are getting more and more affordable and I plan on doing more when the price comes down a little. My plan, Botox for my forehead and crows feet, and filler for my marionette lines. I have friends who go every few months and they look awesome!!!
As for actual surgery, I'm not going there, At least not now. Maybe when I'm 60 I'll get an eye lift. ONCE. I do NOT want to look like a freak.
I know tons of ladies with breast implants. Most of them love the results. Personally I would love to have a hot Playboy Bunny rack, but I'm not willing to go through the pain and expense it would require for me to have one. Luckily my husband doesn't want me to. If he asked me to do it, I'd feel pretty crappy.
How about you?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Topics needed...
Another case study.....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The World is least mine
I also believe that you are born with your sexual orientation predetermined. However, I believe that in some cases people choose to be gay for other reasons.
My Money's On Biology
There was recently an episode at my daughter's junior high where a rash of kids dropped an elective class because a rumor spread that the teacher was a lesbian. My daughter, who is in that class and who is aware of the basics of homosexuality, said to me, "I don't get why that's a big deal." I was so proud of her.
I've always counted gay people amongst my friends, starting with family friends during my childhood. Some of the best parents of my current acquaintance are gay couples, and I find it inexplicable that some people feel their sexual orientation overshadows their commitment to each other and their children. If we're looking for shocking and unnatural sex acts, I have stories from my (straight) college roommate that would curl your hair, or cause your husband to snort wine out his nose if you decide to share those stories with him at a fancy dinner.
I support equal rights for gays and gay marriage wholeheartedly.
Barbara says...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What I Was Taught vs. What I Have Come To Believe...
As for my daughters knowing what it means to be Gay...well, right now they are 5 and 10 months. At this age, they are more interested in toys and making sure that they both get the same amount of attention from Mom, Dad, and the rest of the relatives. I am sure that at a later date, this subject will come up. When that time comes, we will discuss it and answer any questions that they may have. Both my husband and I try to parent our children in a way that they are not and will not be afraid to talk with us about anything and everything.
To be, or not to be?
If you are a homosexual relationship, I believe the United States of America should offer you the same rights that other citizens who have formed a similar partnership enjoy. I can’t personally include 'holy matrimony' as one of those rights. I think God intended marriage as a sacrament between a man and a woman. I know a lot of you don't share that opinion, and that's ok. I can honestly see both sides to the argument, and will never really know this side of heaven whether I made the correct interpretation.
My children understand what being gay means. I'm not sure they know anyone that they are certain is gay. My husband has a co-worker who is in a relationship, and we have a great time with her and her partner on company trips. We have had some rousing discussions with both of them trying to swing me over to their way of thinking (politically, of course!!!).
Nature or Nuture? I'm a case study.....
She's been in long term relationships for most of her adult life, 23 years with one partner and about 5 with her current partner. I've been divorced for 10 years and apart from an on again, off again relationship, between kids, career and a sick parent, I've been single. We've often joked that if I were gay, I'd have been single for 10 minutes.
Early in their relationship, her current partner set up a "blind date" (unbeknown to me) with a friend of hers - we all met for dinner and the girl was just great - and not fitting any gay stereotypes at all. After dinner, my sister's partner pulled me aside and asked me what I thought of her...I responded that she was great, a wonderful conversationalist and I hoped we'd all get together again some time.
"No, no, no" she asked - "Are you interested?"
Dumb look on my face, "In what?" I tried to recall the conversation, "Protesting the funding cuts for student aid?" We had talked about tuition issues at the university where they both worked.
Exasperated look on her face - "Your sister was ARE straight" Evidently, I was being hit on and never knew it!!!
It's definitely Nature.
Very Complex
Just put the word "Gay" into a Google Search and it's mind boggling to read all the research that has and is still being done to determine why an individual is Gay.
My feeling is that regardless of why a person is Homosexual has nothing to do with how they should be treated by society. Yes there are some women and men who decide to experiment for the thrill of it and aren't gay this isn't what we are referring to.
My children are grown and are all in Heterosexual relationships. I would not have loved any one of them any less if they had been gay. I know that it's not easy for a parent to accept and the reason is the intolerant smug people that will make life difficult for that child.
My brother who is deceased was gay and it breaks my heart that he was never able to discuss it with my family and therefore had to feel so isolated. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret not having sat down and talked about it with him.
Why didn't I ??
Wow, I could talk about this for hours...
1) Not having the balls to lay people off in person. What the hell is up with a telephone call?
2) Women talking on the phone while driving and not using a hands free device. It's distracting enough to use a phone and drive, why make it worse. And then go 35 in the fast lane on the highway.
3) Speaking of highways - tailgaters are terrifying and jerks.
4) A migraine that will not go away no matter how much medicine I take.
5) Someone foisting their views on me - religious, political, etc. - without being wiling to listen to any alternative viewpoint.
6) Intolerance - I have seen a lot of that lately and it makes me sad.
I could go on, but I do like to think of myself as an optimist.
What I believe...
As for my children, my older daughter has seen some same sex couples in public. I have really just explained that all families are different and some families have two mommies/daddies, or just one of each etc... Both girls, ages 6 & 8 have seemed pretty satisfied with that answer for the time being.
Nature vs. Nurture
THIS pisses me off.....
2. Small women in huge SUVs talking on their cell phones while trying to park in the compact car spot at Starbucks
3. Holier than thou anything
4. The View - I have to leave the room when its on.
5. Eagles losing - which has happened more frequently than not this year.
6. Dealing with public agencies - long stories, but don't have a disability or get'll get NO help.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Things that Annoy Me...How much time do you have???
2. Cigarette smoke
3. People who are ugly and hateful about the political party that they disagree with. Everybody has a reason for why they think the way they's not for us to judge anybody elses motivation. We don't have to agree and I DON'T agree with many folks; however, they are entitled to their feelings. Let's all just calm down, why don't we...
4. Tommy Bowden
5. Tattletales
6. The holes in my front yard dug by the neighbor's dog.
7. Flying coach (which I do 99% of the time...but it annoys me nonetheless)
8. Whiny people (which I am right now but YOU ASKED!!)
9. Telemarketers
10. People who won't return phone calls...turn off your answering machine if you aren't going to reply
11. People who don't say "thank you"
That's it for the moment...I might be back on this topic later on!!
Does Pollyanna have a list like this??
All that said, I am still participating in the Great Piss Off posting! I have to go there! Who can go through life and not get irritated, even if they are trying like crazy to have a positive mental attitude?
Mine is disrespect. That's a biggie I know. And kind of all encompassing. It would totally cover the lady who was not respectful of the other drivers on the highway when one of my favorite Jersey drivers was tooling around with her mother. It covers my sweet kids when they get a little sassy and ungrateful and are disrespectful to their beautiful momma, and it covers the woman at Mass who can not seem to break herself away from Father's riveting homily to take her SCREAMING child into the very nicely decked out cry room only 50 feet away from her pew, thereby disrespecting the entire congregation.
I think, if everyone just thought about the people around them a little bit, the world would be a nicer place. And it totally pisses me off when the rude SOBs don't.
Phew. I"m glad I got that off my chest. Back to the Happy Game, Aunt Polly!
Therapy Session: Anger Management
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hmm...what ticks me off?!
- People who think because they have a title they are Holier Than Though and should be treated as tho they are the highest of importance. I'm not talking about people with titles such as Doctors, or Lawyers. I'm talking about people who VOLUNTEER for a position, then think because they are doing this "out of the goodness of their heart" we should bow down to them and kiss the ground they walk on. Nope, not happening here people!
- Father's who forget they have a family from their first marriage. These guys claim to still love & cherish their children, but yet still put them last on the list of priorities and the cry when the kids do the same towards them!
- Liars. I am pretty sure that everyone knows a "liar" and knows where I am coming from on this one, right?
- People who are always right, or think they are right. Doesn't matter the subject, or whatever, they know it all. As my husband says "they've been there, done that", but not really, they just think they have.
See, I told you there were a lot of things that tick me off, I'll just stop here so you guys don't think I'm the angriest person alive, LOL
Friday, October 3, 2008
There Are Too Many Things That "TICK ME OFF"
I thought Sarah Palin did a wonderful job in the debate. Alot of people predicted that she would fail and fail miserably. She surprised everyone and like I knew she would...held her own against a seasoned Washington DC Political Insider.
So, it just ticks me off how the press (and the Hollywood Elite) keep talking about how horrible she she lost the she was too "folk-sy" awful it would be if she became Vice President...that it is like a "BAD DISNEY MOVIE"!?!? If that is the case, why don't they move to Canada? And speaking of moving out of our Wonderful Country, are they not the same people that said pretty much the same thing when W was running for re-election? Why didn't they honor their word and move?

Also, I had mentioned in a previous post about how I like to learn about the candidates. In that line of thought, this needs to be mentioned. Before last nights debate, I had not done alot of research on Biden. After his heartfelt comments about "knowing what it is like to be a single parent" and "leaning over the bed of an injured child, praying that they will live"...I had to research him further.
Did you know that his wife and 3 children were involved in a serious car accident shortly after he won his first election? I didn't. His young wife had taken the children to pick out a Christmas tree and they were hit by a large truck as they pulled onto the street. The wife and 13 month old daughter were killed. His two sons were critically injured and hospitalized for many months. He immediately tried to resign his position, but was talked out of it. So for countless months, he rode the train 1 1/2 hours each way to work so that he could be home each night to sit by the bedside of his injured boys. WOW...

But in closing, I just had to include this photo of Sarah and her beautiful little boy.

She is my Mommy Hero!