Get yourself a nice cup of coffee and let's hang out...
Tell me, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
My family is going to make the 4 hour (God willing) trip down the NJ Turnpike to my little sister's house in Highland, MD.
We will be joined by middle sister and her family. All together there will be 6 adults, 8 children and 3 dogs. I'm sure a good time will be had by all and we'll all be absolutely spent on Sunday.
My Mom and Dad are spending a mellow holiday in Florida, sans grandchildren where they will spend their time playing golf and having quiet adult conversation.
I'm psyched to see my sister's but I'm torn over whether I'd rather drive 4-6 hours (depending on traffic) or do all the cooking myself. That's a toughie.
I've said enough. Now it's your turn....
i'm cooking my sister is coming down (2.5 hour trip for her) in the morning and leaving at night. i'm glad i'm not moving anywhere.
No contest for me. I'd drive to the ends of the earth to avoid cooking. Does you sister have room for us????
For me it's not the cooking, it's the frigging cleaning. We're going to a friend's house & I'm thrilled to get out of dusting for another week.
ROAD TRIP! I would love to do that, but I have 2 dogs and a cat I wouldn't know what to do with, so we are going to my SIL house who lives about 20 minutes away. We will have the traditional.. and a not-so-traditional fish fry... yes I am in the south.
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