I am a recovering 'Felix Freak"!! I have really backed off the NEED OF PERFECTION... it is unobtainable!! I was stressed, my kids were stressed and Dr walked on egg shells. What really hit me was the time my parent were coming here to stay for a week-to watch Bird. They came the day before to get all the needed information....all seemed to be fine. When we got back everything seemed to be great. Talked to my brother a couple of days later to find out my parents were a wreak!!!! OMG!!! "Did Bird wear them out?" No-My Mom was a nervous wreak trying to keep my house "The Way I Like It"... She drew diagrams on how I arranged the pillows on the sofa & beds. My stainless steel appliances pushed her over the edge, finger prints etc... In my defence I never expected my dear Mother to even worry about one of these things, I SWEAR! But I must of somehow displayed my freakism for perfection. I felt terrible. A couple things have happened since then. A- I had a hysterectomy(hormones were not my friends),and B- Had a "Come to Jesus Meeting" with my husband. Don't get me wrong I still like my house picked up- trying not to Stress the Small Stuff.
that's too funny- you can come stay with me anytime
Long lost friend or sister? LOL I am a wreck when my home is out of wack to! lol I just can't stand it! I am learning to be more patient with the wife who likes to throw things everywhere! So I have learned to bite my lip when she is off work... but the minute she leaves the house is tidy again :)
It's hard to find the balance. My mom was such a neat freak when I was a kid that I rebelled by being a slob. Now I'm started to see that she had a point and that I actually enjoy having things picked up and organized.
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