"Thanks so much for all your fabulous input. It's wonderful to have such a terrific team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day. Keep up the good work ladies!"
Composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another...
Everyone's got an opinion...check out what the Collage team members have to say take the time to scroll down and browse all of our postings on this important topic, you'll find some very interesting viewpoints!
1 comment:
So glad you stopped by Barbara Wawa
How is your recent book doing ?
Do you think that confessing your affair with a married man helped with sales ?? If members of his family didn't know now they do.
That's very important info to pass on through the generations.
It's also a feather in your cap that sits on your ugly head.
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