Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Money's On Biology

One thing I've come to realize in my wise and enlightened thirties, is that so much of who we are is genetically programmed. No amount of forcing myself into social situations will change the fact that I am basically an introvert. No amount of dieting will completely eradicate my issues with body image. Dating women would never change the fact that I dig guys. And I find it hard to believe that the opposite isn't true for homosexuals. Every gay friend I've ever had has told me that they knew from a young age that they were gay.

There was recently an episode at my daughter's junior high where a rash of kids dropped an elective class because a rumor spread that the teacher was a lesbian. My daughter, who is in that class and who is aware of the basics of homosexuality, said to me, "I don't get why that's a big deal." I was so proud of her.

I've always counted gay people amongst my friends, starting with family friends during my childhood. Some of the best parents of my current acquaintance are gay couples, and I find it inexplicable that some people feel their sexual orientation overshadows their commitment to each other and their children. If we're looking for shocking and unnatural sex acts, I have stories from my (straight) college roommate that would curl your hair, or cause your husband to snort wine out his nose if you decide to share those stories with him at a fancy dinner.

I support equal rights for gays and gay marriage wholeheartedly.


Debie Napoleon said...

Wanna share those stories? I need a good laugh...

scargosun said...

Biology. The only people who don't believe this are the same people who believe in Creationism. Ok, that might not be 100% true but I am willing to put $5 on the fact that the groups overlap almost completely.

Unknown said...

First I want to commend you on teaching your daughter that everyone is equal gay or straight. I myself am happily gay and with my life partner and will not change it for the world! Does not also change the fact that I use to be with men. But not sure if I knew from an early age that I was gay or not....