Thursday, October 9, 2008

Topics needed...

I'm looking for some original new topics for Collage.  Let me know your thoughts!



jenn said...

Some random thoughts:

-most embarrassing moment

-how to handle "the sex talk" with kids (i.e. abstinence vs. birth control)

-your greatest regret as a parent/adult

-your biggest vice

-What's your policy on dealing with rudeness? from friends? strangers?

-What should be done about the American health care system?

-Have the holidays become overcommercialized?

-How's your self-image? To what extent do you find yourself impacted by the media? by friends?

-What are your phobias?

-Where do you fall on the "go green" spectrum?

OK, I'm going to shut the hell up now. Are you sorry you asked, Jill?!


ANDRE said...

Please add me on goole follower, as i did the same with your blog. Thanks

ANDRE said...

Please add me on goole follower, as i did the same with your blog. Thanks

Scarlet O'Kara said...

What about...

- your favorite moment as a new mom?

- would you consider plastic surgery? If so, what procedure and why?

- what was the best advice that someone has ever given to you?

I am sure that some others will come to me...

Anonymous said...

These are good ideas so far. I like the upbeat ones most.

Supervised Mama said...

Any "I cacn't believe my kid said that" moments.

"If I could have one super power it would be..." haha I love this one...

That's all I got for now, I'll keep thinking. I loved you WTF Five! Have you tried you can watch full tv episodes after they've aired. My nubby found it for mr cuz I'm addicted to Prison Break and thought I was gonna miss one. Ok I'm actually addicted to Wentworth Miller. I could just watch him breathe for an hour...he's sorry lost my train of thought :)